The following SSH script will automate the process of installing Magento, with or without sample data. It will walk you through everything, and the only thing you need to setup first is the database and assign a user to the database.
You will need SSH access to use this. SSH is similar to FTP, in that it requires software that you’ll need to download in order to connect to your site. If you don’t have an SSH client, you can download PuTTY for free.
Once you connect to your site via SSH, simply go to the directory where you want to install Magento.
By default, when you connect to your site you’re placed in your home directory. Files and directories in here are usually not accessible from a browser, so you will need to change to a public HTML directory.
For cPanel users, you would simply type the following to get to your root web directory:
cd public_html/
If you wanted Magento installed in a subdirectory, you would need to create it first (assuming it didn’t exist):
mkdir store/
And then change into that directory:
cd store/
Once you’re in the directory where you want Magento installed, you’ll need to copy and paste the following in to a file and set the permissions on it.
To create the file, type the following:
vi install
Hit the I key to insert data. Copy the following code and paste it in your SSH window, either by right-clicking or hitting Shift + Insert:
#!/bin/bash clear stty erase '^?' echo -n "Database Name: " read dbname echo -n "Database User: " read dbuser echo -n "Database Password: " read dbpass echo -n "Admin Password: " read adminpass echo -n "Store URL (with trailing slash): " read url echo -n "Include Sample Data? (y/n) " read sample if [ "$sample" = "y" ]; then echo echo "Now installing Magento with sample data..." echo echo "Downloading packages..." echo wget wget echo echo "Extracting data..." echo tar -zxvf magento- tar -zxvf magento-sample-data-1.2.0.tar.gz echo echo "Moving files..." echo mv magento-sample-data-1.2.0/media/* magento/media/ mv magento-sample-data-1.2.0/magento_sample_data_for_1.2.0.sql magento/data.sql mv magento/* magento/.htaccess . echo echo "Setting permissions..." echo chmod 550 mage echo echo "Importing sample products..." echo mysql -h localhost -u $dbuser -p$dbpass $dbname < data.sql echo echo "Initializing PEAR registry..." echo ./mage mage-setup . echo echo "Cleaning up files..." echo rm -rf magento/ magento-sample-data-1.2.0/ rm -rf magento- magento-sample-data-1.2.0.tar.gz rm -rf index.php.sample .htaccess.sample php.ini.sample data.sql *.txt echo echo "Installing Magento..." echo php-cli -f install.php -- \ --license_agreement_accepted "yes" \ --locale "en_US" \ --timezone "America/Los_Angeles" \ --default_currency "USD" \ --db_host "localhost" \ --db_name "$dbname" \ --db_user "$dbuser" \ --db_pass "$dbpass" \ --url "$url" \ --use_rewrites "yes" \ --use_secure "no" \ --secure_base_url "" \ --use_secure_admin "no" \ --admin_firstname "Store" \ --admin_lastname "Owner" \ --admin_email "[email protected]" \ --admin_username "admin" \ --admin_password "$adminpass" echo echo "Finished installing the latest stable version of Magento With Sample Data" echo echo "+=================================================+" echo "| MAGENTO LINKS" echo "+=================================================+" echo "|" echo "| Store: $url" echo "| Admin: ${url}admin/" echo "|" echo "+=================================================+" echo "| ADMIN ACCOUNT" echo "+=================================================+" echo "|" echo "| Username: admin" echo "| Password: $adminpass" echo "|" echo "+=================================================+" echo "| ENCRYPTION KEY" echo "+=================================================+" echo "|" echo "| PASTE-ENCRYPTION-KEY-HERE" echo "|" echo "+=================================================+" echo "| DATABASE INFO" echo "+=================================================+" echo "|" echo "| Database: $dbname" echo "| Username: $dbuser" echo "| Password: $dbpass" echo "|" echo "+=================================================+" exit else echo "Now installing Magento without sample data..." echo echo "Downloading packages..." echo wget echo echo "Extracting data..." echo tar -zxvf magento- echo echo "Moving files..." echo mv magento/* magento/.htaccess . echo echo "Setting permissions..." echo chmod 550 mage echo echo "Initializing PEAR registry..." echo ./mage mage-setup . echo echo "Cleaning up files..." echo rm -rf magento/ magento- rm -rf index.php.sample .htaccess.sample php.ini.sample *.txt echo echo "Installing Magento..." echo php-cli -f install.php -- \ --license_agreement_accepted "yes" \ --locale "en_US" \ --timezone "America/Los_Angeles" \ --default_currency "USD" \ --db_host "localhost" \ --db_name "$dbname" \ --db_user "$dbuser" \ --db_pass "$dbpass" \ --url "$url" \ --use_rewrites "yes" \ --use_secure "no" \ --secure_base_url "" \ --use_secure_admin "no" \ --admin_firstname "Store" \ --admin_lastname "Owner" \ --admin_email "[email protected]" \ --admin_username "admin" \ --admin_password "$adminpass" echo echo "Finished installing the latest stable version of Magento Without Sample Data" echo echo "+=================================================+" echo "| MAGENTO LINKS" echo "+=================================================+" echo "|" echo "| Store: $url" echo "| Admin: ${url}admin/" echo "|" echo "+=================================================+" echo "| ADMIN ACCOUNT" echo "+=================================================+" echo "|" echo "| Username: admin" echo "| Password: $adminpass" echo "|" echo "+=================================================+" echo "| ENCRYPTION KEY" echo "+=================================================+" echo "|" echo "| PASTE-ENCRYPTION-KEY-HERE" echo "|" echo "+=================================================+" echo "| DATABASE INFO" echo "+=================================================+" echo "|" echo "| Database: $dbname" echo "| Username: $dbuser" echo "| Password: $dbpass" echo "|" echo "+=================================================+" exit fi [/text] Hit the <strong>Esc</strong> key to exit out of insert mode. Type the following to save the file and exit back to the prompt: [text] :x
Hit the Enter key after you’ve typed that in.
Now set the permissions:
chmod +x install
[box type=”info”]
Please make sure your database and admin passwords only contain alphanumeric characters! Also, the admin password must be at least 8 characters in length, and contain at least 1 number.
Next, run the installation script:
When you’re done, delete the installer script:
rm -f install