Verify Item Purchases with the Envato API

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This article focuses on how to simply and efficiently converse with Envato’s API in order to verify the authors’ customers’ purchase codes in the author’s own applications. I talk through all the steps to set up this function, covering how to create the unique API key required, using the PHP cURL function and interpreting the output.

    function verify_envato_purchase_code($code_to_verify) {
    // Your Username
    $username = 'USERNAME';
    // Set API Key  
    $api_key = 'API KEY';
    // Open cURL channel
    $ch = curl_init();
    // Set cURL options
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "". $username ."/". $api_key ."/verify-purchase:". $code_to_verify .".json");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    // Decode returned JSON
    $output = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
    // Close Channel
    // Return output
    return $output;
$purchase_key = 'PURCHASE KEY TO CHECK';
$purchase_data = verify_envato_purchase_code( $purchase_key );
if( isset($purchase_data['verify-purchase']['buyer']) ) {
    echo '<strong>Valid License Key!</strong><br>Details;<ul>';
    echo '<li>Item ID: ' . $purchase_data['verify-purchase']['item_id'] . '</li>';
    echo '<li>Item Name: ' . $purchase_data['verify-purchase']['item_name'] . '</li>';
    echo '<li>Buyer: ' . $purchase_data['verify-purchase']['buyer'] . '</li>';
    echo '<li>License: ' . $purchase_data['verify-purchase']['licence'] . '</li>';
    echo '<li>Created At: ' . $purchase_data['verify-purchase']['created_at'] . '</li>';
    echo '</ul>'; 
} else {
   echo 'Invalid license key.';
