Virtuemart – No translations for product names

in second language I can’t see translation of product names in Category (browse_X) and also of product names in Product Detailed View (flypage) in navigation tab (to move to next or previous product in category) – they are all in main language.
Because there is no solution on the web, I tried to do it myself. For the moment I can offer solution only for problem with product names translation in navigation in detailed product view.
Solution for translation of product names in navigation in flypage
Please get this file ps_product, unpack and copy it to Your shop in directory: \administrator\components\com_virtuemart\classes\ps_product.php, replacing file. I advise to make backup of original file.

Solution for translation of product names in Category
Please get this file hop_browse_queries, unpack and copy it to Your shop in directory: \administrator\components\com_virtuemart\html\shop_browse_queries.php, replacing file. I advise to make backup of original file.